Thursday, February 11, 2010

First time to the Snow!!

Colton and Mommy!

Parker throwing snowballs!!

Colton Making a snowman!

We have planned on taking Colton up to the snow for at least a month. We bought him a snow outfit and gloves and boots. As usual things just kept coming up. Every time I opened Colton's closet that snowsuit stared at me and said he is going to be too big for the outfit and you wiull have wasted your money. So I kept asking Justin can we go this weekend... no ! Can we go next weekend, NO! So finally I just told him we are going on Sturday morning Jan 30th! We called Ryan and Stephanie and we all headed up the hill. We had no idea where we were going to stop but that it was supposed to start snowing . So we drove up to about Bluse Canyon and got off the freeway. By this time it was snowing and we did not want to get stuck buying chains. We played for about an hour. We made a snowman and snowangles. Colton hated having his gloves on, so I took them off. It was about 5 minutes before he looked up at me with pink fingers and said "gloves"... so cute. The adults had a crazy snow ball fight. I had snow down my back inside of my coat..... But it was a blast! Colton and Parker were adorable playing together! Maybe next year we can go STAY in the snow! Tahoe cabin maybe????

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Little Boy

I want to write a few things about my little boy. Colton Michael Mellow!
I put his name in sentence form because if know Colton you know that just by saying his name you are making a statement. He is full of little boyness. He loves to run and climb and jump and dance and laugh. He is a sassy one too. He gets that from me. His short fuse and whinny "NOOOO!" Ya that is all from me. But it is just a small part of a fun little boy who just wants to run all over the house and yell just to here his voice. He has made me laugh histarically and cry out of frustration. But all in all he has made me cry with because I am so overwhelmed by love for him.

Last night when I picked him up from "school" I let him hold my keys as we walked out. When we got to the front door I opened the door for him to go out to the car. The then noticed the screws in the door hinge. She knelt down took his binky out and began to "work on" the door. He was putting my key in the screw as to screw in the door hing. I thought how cute. Then we talke dabout what he was doing for a minute. As other parents came and went gentley stepping over my child who was working on the front door, I realized we should probably get out to the entry. He screamed and yelled and kicked as I carried him, two blankets, a book, and his lunch box out to the car. I am at this point frusterated and sweating in 45 degree weather. So I manage to buckle him into his carseat with a lot of persuation. So I sit in the front seat and turn on the car. I turn around and have a discussion with my almost two year old son. The converation went something like this:

Me: Colton why is it when we have not seen each other all day you have to throw a fit. The screaming and yelling makes me upset. I miss you so much all day then I have to be the one who deals with this unacceptable behavior. It just is not fair and I will not stand for it.
Colton holding his hand up to the side of his face, binky in mouth: I sorr sorr mommy!

We held hands the whole way home.
My shoulder was killing me, being bent backwards from the drivers seat, but I did not care.
He would not let me put him down to make dinner or take off my shoes til Daddy got home.
What I learned was Colton just needed me to be there. By him holding me hostage at the front door of the school, "fixing the door with my keys," he had my full attention.

Attention is what Colton needed at the moment!
That is just a small glimps into the boy named Colton Michael Mellow!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Too Long

Well it has been about a year since I have posted. So guess that the wait is over.
I am not going to go back and recap the last year because that sounds over whelming.
I am going to just start from today.

Today is Monday and i am working again. Seems to be a slow day, even though it is the beginning of the month and beginning of the year for that matter.

Colton is at daycare, Justin is working at a mold remediation job at the Tracy Pedantry. Yes the prison.

We are looking forward to a lot of change this 2010 year. We are going to try, but not to hard, to get pregnant with our second baby. Justin and I made a promise that we would try for the next one around Colton's 2ND birthday. And here is is already..... time goes too fast after you have kids. A little sacry growing the family. Our future is pretty uncertain right now. Justin is unsure about his career and I really would like to spend some for these precious years at home with my baby. So now what?

Well if I got anything from my mother, besides my hips that is....
I know that you can not schedule a family. And no matter the circumstances.... it always works out. Maybe in a different house and neighborhood. But we will have food and a roof. So I am putting a lot of faith in Heavenly Father and my husband that we will be just fine!!

Justin and I have been discussing getting our Real Estate licence this year together. So that is our next goal...... Real Estate licence and another baby.... pretty tall order, I know....

So here is cheers to an exciting new adventure for 2010!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008

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Last weekend Stephen set up a little family getaway. It was so nice to have so much family together in the same vacation spot.

We had Stphen and all the kids, except Sam of course, whom is almost home! Aunt Linda came with Angie and Kaylin.

We all had a blast at the beach and having meal together. The weather was wonderful and the family was exciting.

We have three new additions to the family in the last year or so. Griffin is 13 months, Ashlyn is 12 months, and Colton is 8 months. So it was great to have them get to know each other. And of course be entertain by the older kids.

Stephen chose Asilomar because mom love to go there. Not only did she get the ocean, which she loved, but she did not have to cook!!! I understand her urning for both.

The ocean brings a great since of peace and clam to the spirit. For some reason the rythmic sound of the waves on the breach allows your mind to be clear of clutter and full of deep thought. Mom always said if you don't know the answer to a life changing choice. Go to the ocean, you will there find your answer within. I know that to be true!

I thank Stephen so much for facilitating this trip and I look forward to many more getawys again.


For Our 5Th anniversary we went to San Francisco for the weekend. It was the first time we have sent a complete evening alone in 8 months.

Renee watch Colton and Daisy so we could have a little get away. It was so nice to be able to just get up and go. We did miss our little family at home.

It was so fun to just walk down the busy streets and hold hands, not hold a baby, a diaper bag, a Binky, and a blanket.

Friday night we went to a VERY fancy restaurant in the Westin St. Francis, called Michael Mina.

It was a dining experience. I was almost intimidated at the class of the restaurant. I think Justin was more intimidated at the price of the restaurant. Never the less we have a 3 hour dinner and enjoyed each other.

On Saturday morning I woke at 7am as usual. And we headed down to Union Square. We took the Trolley to Pier 39 and had breakfast.

After Breakfast we walked over to the Aquarium on the Pier. I was so excited to see the sharks and Bat Reyes swimming over our heads.
That night we walked around Union Square to find a little more San Fran authentic dinner. We ended up at a pub around the corner from our hotel and had a warm dinner.

Sunday we woke up early and rushed home to see our little man.

As we were playing on the floor Colton began CRAWLING!

Our lives have not been the same since.